
Office of JSET

Academy Center 358-5, Yambuki-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-0801, Japan
TEL: 03-6824-9370

About JSET

Guidelines for Submission of Papers to the 'Japanese Journal of Environmental Toxicology'

1. Qualifications for Submission
The Journal shall welcome contributions regardless of the membership of the JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY.

2. Type of Papers
Research papers for the Journal shall cover chemical substances in a broad range of areas, pertaining to the interrelation between chemical substances in the environment and biological systems/ecosystems such as environmental dynamics/fate, impact on a variety of biological systems/ecosystems and its assessment, bioassay, biodegradation and photodecomposition, analysis, risk assessment, and risk management.

'Original papers': Unpublished papers related to environmental toxicology in a broad sense, containing new facts or conclusions with academic and social value. Such papers shall have a target length of eight A4 pages.

'Research Notes': Research notes on incomplete research are acceptable, provided that they are related to the Journal and contain meaningful new facts, new technology and valuable data. Such research notes shall not exceed four A4 pages in length.

'Reviews': Reviews shall be in areas relevant to this Journal, and be on the current status of research, issues and literature reviews. The target length shall not exceed ten A4 pages.

'Discussion': Views on papers published in this Journal, questions to authors and answers to such questions. The length shall not exceed one page.

'Materials/Reports': Materials/Reports shall be in areas relevant to this Journal, and shall be of objectively and briefly summarized legislations, standards, effective data and survey materials. Such materials/reports shall have a target length not exceeding four A4 pages.

'Others': Matters related to the Society, this Journal, reviews and so forth.

'English Manuscript Sample'(down road)

3. Preparation of Manuscripts
(1) The language used must be either Japanese or English; however, tables and figures shall be in English. Papers written in Japanese shall be accompanied by an abstract of about 200 words written in English, compiling research objectives, outcome, obtained knowledge and points at issue. Submission of an abstract in Japanese at the end of an English manuscript shall be on a voluntary basis.

(2) Keywords, consisting of about five words, shall be entered under the abstract in both Japanese and English.

(3) Manuscripts shall be either camera-ready for photo-mechanical processing, or typed with separately attached tables and figures. When preparing non-camera-ready manuscripts, the same item order shall be followed as for manuscripts prepared in camera-ready form.

(4) For details, refer to Instructions for Authoring Manuscripts.

4. Place and receipt of manuscript submission
(1) Manuscripts shall be submitted by e-mail as an attached file. However, such manuscripts must be in a word processing document format which is reproducible by the Editorial Committee (the currently acceptable format is Windows Microsoft Word). Acrobat PDF files may be accepted in unavoidable circumstances. Tables and figures must be reproducible by means of the said word processing applications. Submission in text file format is acceptable when manuscripts contain no figures and the said word processing applications cannot be used. No more than one (1) word processing application shall be used for a single manuscript submission. Diagrams created using spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel shall be embedded in a word processing application. (Such figures must not be submitted in Excel format.)

(2) When creating manuscripts in formats other than Microsoft Word or Acrobat PDF, printed manuscripts shall be submitted. In this event, three (3) copies of the printed manuscript, accompanied by a cover letter, shall be sent to the editors listed below. The original manuscript should be retained by the author, and the author shall make corrections to the manuscript when required to do so.

(3) The date of receipt shall be the date on which the Editorial Committee Secretariat receives the manuscript.

(4) After officially confirming receipt of the manuscript, the original manuscript (file) shall be submitted by order of the Editorial Committee.

(5) In the event that the revised manuscript is not submitted within three (3) months of receipt of the editorial decision issued by the Editorial Office, the manuscript must be handled as a new submission.

5. Manuscript Revision/Proofreading
It is preferable that abstracts of Japanese papers and papers in English are proofread prior to their submission. In principle, adding sentences, tables and figures, and making alterations are not permitted after submission of the final manuscript.

6. Author's Contribution
There may be cases where the author is required to bear excess costs in the event of the manuscript significantly exceeding the predetermined number of pages, or to bear the actual costs incurred corresponding to the amount exceeding the normal printing cost as a result of photo or other special printing.

7. Reprints
No copies are available however the authors will be received a PDF file instead of the reprints if they will need. The PDF file is provided with fee of 10,000 Japanese Yen.

8. Copyright
The JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY holds the copyright for all materials published in this Journal.

9. Mailing address for manuscript submission
Manuscripts shall be sent to either of the following addresses:

Yuji Oshima
Grduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Science, Kyushu University
6-10-1 Hakozaki Higashi-ku Fukuoka, 812-8581, Japan
" " at the back of the e-mail address

Shinsuke Tanabe
Center for Marine Environmental Studies
Ehime University
Bunkyo-cho 2-5, Matsuyama,
Japan 790-8577
E-mail: shinsuke
""at the back of the e-mail address

Hitoshi Iwahashi
Faculty of Applied Biological Science, Gifu University
1-1 Yanagido,Gifu 501-1193, Japan
E-mail: h1884
""at the back of the e-mail address

Shosaku Kashiwada
Department of Life Sciences, Toyo University
1-1-1, Izumino, Itakura-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma Pref. 374-0193, Japan
E-mail: kashiwada
""at the back of the e-mail address

Guildlines for Preparing Manuscript Submission Cover Letters

1. Preparation instructions
(1)Cover letters will be used by the Editorial Committee to manage submitted manuscripts. Handwritten cover letters will not be accepted.
(2)A4 paper with the set right/left margins of over 25mm shall be used, fitting the following descriptions into one-third of the upper part of the paper.
(3)Submission cover letters shall be prepared using the following format. However, it is not necessary to be particuar about the format provided that objective above is met.

2. Items to be included in submission cover letters
(1)Contact information: the zip code, address, affiliation and name of the author shall be included. Where a manuscript is written by more than one author, the same information shall be provided for each representative.
If the author resides in Japan, the obove information shall be provided in Japanese. Telephone and fax numbers and an e-mail address shall be included.
(2)The title of the paper
(3)A running title or running header in Japanese shall be included (when submitting papers written in English, the running title or running header shall be in Enlish.) However, when no running titles are provided, the Editorial Office will create one for each paper.
(4)Types of manuscript (Describe partinent type.)
1) Original Paper 2) Research Notes 3) Reviews
4) Discussion 5) Materials/Reports 6) Others ( )
(5)The number of pages (the expected number of pages shall be provided, including all tables and figures.)
(6)Other information pertinent to communications.

Instructions for Authoring Manuscripts

Authors shall prepare manuscripts in accordance with the Guidelines for Paper Submission and this 'Instructions for Authoring Manuscripts', referring to the manuscript sample.

1. Manuscripts shall be typed on standard white A4 paper, using a word processor/typewriter, and shall include page numbers.

2. Manuscript writing methods
2.1 Margins
Margins must be set based on A4 paper. Top and bottom margins must be set at 30 mm; left and right margins must be set at 25 mm. On the first page only, on which the title appears, the top margin should be 40 mm.

2.2 Manuscripts in Japanese
Referring to the Japanese manuscript sample (attached separately), describe, in both Japanese and English, the title, author names and affiliations, followed in order by the approximately 200 word English abstract, the keywords and the body of the paper. The body of the paper must be described separately in the order of 1. INTRODUCTION, 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS, 3. RESULTS, 4. DISCUSSION, 5. CONCLUSIONS (SUMMARY) and REFERENCES.

2.3 Manuscripts in English
Referring to the English manuscript sample (attached separately), describe the title, author names and affiliations, followed in order by the approximately 200 word abstract, the keywords and the body of the paper. A Japanese description of the title, author names and affiliations is not required.
The body of the paper must be described in the order of 1. INTRODUCTION, 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS, 3. RESULTS, 4. DISCUSSION, 5. CONCLUSIONS (SUMMARY) and REFERENCES.

2.4 Division of the Body of the Paper (Japanese paper)
The body of the paper should be systematically divided into sections using Arabic numerals.
(e.g.) 1., 1.1, 1.1.1, (1), a)
1, 1-1, 1-1-1, (1), a)

2.5 Creation of Tables and Figures
Tables and figures must be in English regardless of the language used to write the manuscript. For camera-ready manuscripts, tables and figures should be placed at appropriate positions in the body of the paper. For manuscripts other than camera-ready, specify in the body of the paper, and provide titles and descriptions of tables and figures. Tables and figures should be placed on a separate page. All tables and figures must be clearly numbered.

Figures should be numbered as Fig.1, Fig.2, etc. with the text placed beneath the figures. Photographs shall be handled as figures. Tables should be numbered as TABLE 1, TABLE 2, etc. with the text placed above the tables.

2.6 Fonts
In principle, MS-Mincho and Times New Roman fonts shall be used for Japanese and English manuscripts respectively. For headers that indicate sectioning of the body, MS-Gothic and Arial Bold fonts must be used for Japanese and English manuscripts respectively. Scientific names should appear in italics.

2.7 References
References should be indicated by means of a superscript number at the upper-right of the place cited, using a closing parenthesis. Descriptions shall be given at the end of the manuscript in numerical order.
(e.g. 1), 2), 3~ 6)
Authors may indicate (surname, Christian year, etc.) where necessary in the body of the paper, and give descriptions at the end of the manuscript.

3. Others
There are no specified describing methods for Reviews, Commentaries and Materials, however, Reviews, Commentaries and Materials descriptions must be pursuant to the original paper. According to circumstances, the Editorial Committee may make specific requests to the author regarding description methods.

16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8506,JAPAN